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Songs of Enchantment  (LP)

US Capitol P8482 / SP8482 (1959)

UK World Record Club ST 1046 (1965?)

recorded 30 Jan & 5-7 Feb 1959

Salli Terri (vocal)
Laurindo Almeida (guitar)
The Hollywood String Quartet *
Felix Slatkin (violin) **

produced by Robert E Myers

The Riddle Song
Aupres de ma Blonde
Songs my Mother Taught me (Dvorak) *
The Bird's courting song
Scarlet Ribbons
Mister Froggie went a-Courtin'
Prayer from Hansel and Gretel
A Circle of Rounds -
     Shalom Chaverim
     Oh How Lovely is the Evening
     Heigh ho
     Anybody Home
     Nino Querido
The Fox
Cancion de Cuna
Lullaby  (Brahms)
Evening Prayer  (Mussorgsky)
All through the Night  **


US Capitol P8482
Songs of Enchantment cover
click on pic for full size image

click on pic for full size image
Robert Myers with the Hollywood String Quartet
the Hollywood String Quartet
with Robert E Myers (centre)
and Sherwood Hall III (at back)

The following review of Songs of Enchantment appeared in HiFi Review (September 1959) -

Musical Interest: For all to enjoy
Performance: Great
Recording: Tops
Stereo Directionality: Interesting
Stereo Depth: Just right

Salli Terri, featured soloist with the Roger Wagner Chorale, and who just made a hit album with guitarist Almeida (Duets with the Spanish Guitar PAO 8406), has now made an album in her own right, and it is a "wizard".  Terri herself is possessed with a good voice, youthfully clean and vibrant.  But it is what she does with this instrument that establishes her as an artist of unusual appeal.  Also, the arrangements are expertly contrived.

Repertoire is well-balanced, between "serious" songs and songs of humor, from such familiars as the Riddle Song and Scarlet Ribbons, to the highly amusing account of the wedding of the frog and the mouse and the fly and the bee.  And if you think for one moment that this outstanding recording is meant for kiddies, you are quite mistaken.

Full use is made of stereo effects, with Miss Terri appearing on one side of the room and then on the other.  In Mister Froggie Went A-Courtin', she does the spatiality act several times, adding neat showmanship to the presentation.  A clever Capital issue to be sure, but it also combines the elements necessary for any superior disc.  It abounds with good solid musicianship; the songs are done with zest - a charming cover too, of Miss Terri (?) with an enchanting little girl on an old-fashioned brass bed. (Say, Mom, where's your ring?).  (page 76/116)

the following experts are taken from Capitol promo material -

from Billboard, June 1 1959 - Here's a delightful album of charming folk themes, featuring warm, appealing thrushing by Salli Terri and excellent guitar solo work by Laurindo Almeida. The mezzo-soprano is spotlighted on Brahms' Lullaby, Scarlet Ribbons, All Through the Night, Songs My Mother Taught Me, and other varied items.

from Des Moines Sunday Register, July 5 1959 - ...has great sincerity and a sense of humor, and a voice to match...her control of tonal variety is magical. - Ogden Dwight

from High Fidelity Magazine, August 1959 - A well-trained singer and a clever artist...her intimate, unpretentious way with a song...her free-ranging choice of repertoire...makes no demands on the listener other than to put him in a good mood. Both monophonic and stereo versions are beautifully engineered, but in stereo Miss Terri makes good use of the varying sound sources, when, for example, she is representing different animals in the Bird's Courting Song she and her colleagues alternate in the four rounds. - Ray Ericson

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extra info from Teresa Myers (the child in the album photo)
Hollywood String Quartet with Robert E Myers photo from HSQ page
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last revised 8 May 2022